
Do you practice the virtue of gratitude?  As I’ve come to better know the Lord in my life, a virtue, that I believe has truly grown in me is gratitude.  Each morning, immediately after I wake up, I say “Thank You” to our Lord, my guardian angel, and to all the heavenly hosts for seeing me safely through the night.  I may say many “Thank Yous”, especially when my night has been a peaceful one and I’m feeling particularly refreshed.

I often have many “Thank Yous” in my evening prayers too.  Again, I thank the Lord, my guardian angel, the heavenly hosts-and anyone else who has been praying for me that day-for the many blessings and graces sent my way.  Even if my day was difficult, there is much to be thankful for.  If you haven't been experiencing much gratitude in your life read on.  Perhaps this article will assist you in better developing this virtue.

Having the virtue of gratitude is more than just “counting your blessings”.   But let’s focus on counting our blessings as a starting point.  I’m always amazed at how many blessings I can think of.  For example, as I wake up and get out of bed, I’ll thank the Lord for:

1.       A peaceful night’s sleep.

2.       Good health--the ability to be able to breathe and swallow freely without great difficulty.

3.       My home and property making it safely through the night.

4.       Being ambulatory-that is, being able to get out of bed without requiring assistance from another.

5.       Electricity and all the conveniences it provides me in my life.

6.       Indoor plumbing and easy access to the toilet and bath.

7.       Having fresh air to breath along with home heating and air conditioning.

8.       Having access to ample clothing and proper wear for the day’s weather.

As my day progresses, if driving somewhere, I’ll thank the Lord and my guardian angel for:

1.       Having a car and the ability to drive it safely.

2.       Excellent road conditions (when applicable).

3.       All the infrastructure that makes getting to work possible--good roads, signal lights, lane markings, etc.

4.       A safe and uneventful trip so far.

5.       The ability to see the beauty of nature all around me.

6.       The ability to listen for any hazards.   (I do require the use of hearing aids which I’m also thankful for.)

7.       The other drivers around me who are following the “rules of the road” and are driving safely.

When I get to my destination I pray a little “Thank You” prayer to my guardian angel for the guidance and protection that made my safe arrival possible.

We all have many blessings, if you spent a few moments to reflect on them.  If you’re reading this web page right now, think of the many blessings you have that make the reading of this page possible.  Here are a few I can think of:

1.       The gift of sight and a rational mind that makes reading this page possible.

2.       The education you have received so you can understand the words written on this page.

3.       Access to a computer, the internet, and the knowledge to use them properly.

4.       The dexterity you have to use a keyboard and/or other tools to navigate to this particular page.

Depending on where we live and our state in life, we will have many other blessings to be thankful for.  For example I live in a suburban neighborhood in the USA.  This provides me with countless blessings such as:

1.       A peaceful and pleasant neighborhood to live in.

2.       Access to police, a fire department, ambulance, and other emergency services when needed.

3.       Access to excellent and advanced medical care/facilities.

4.       Easy access to restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations, etc.

5.       Cell phone, internet, garbage pickup, and other services.

6.       A large yard and quiet streets to walk on.

7.       Opportunities to visit others.

Even if you’re handicapped, have health that is failing, and/or are not in the best of living circumstances, I’m sure you can still find many blessings in your life.  

Of course I haven’t even begun to focus on the “core blessings” that I’m especially thankful for.  As much as I enjoy my home, wife, career, cat, and the hobbies I pursue, I know my time in this world is but a brief moment of existence compared to eternity.  Thus, I’m especially grateful for:

1. The Gift of Faith:   As many of my classmates and contemporaries have left the church and do not seem to have an active faith life.  I’m especially grateful that I’ve been willing to respond positively to the graces the Lord has sent my way-allowing me to grow each day with a more active faith life.

2.  Being raised Catholic and having the means to frequently attend Mass:   The Mass is a profound expression of gratitude and worship.  The Mass is where the faithful come together to praise the Lord and give thanks to God.  The very word “Eucharist” (a core component of the Catholic Mass), comes from the Greek word “eucharista” meaning thanksgiving.  Attending Mass is for me, probably the best way I can say "Thank You" to God.

3. The Sacraments provided through the Catholic Church:   I’m especially thankful for the Sacraments of the Eucharist and that of Penance (known as Confession or Reconciliation).  These two sacraments, have been indispensable in improving my day-to-day faith life and in providing me with the peace of mind of being in God’s grace.

4. Those who have been instrumental in helping me grow closer to the Lord.  I pray for the priests, deacons, teachers, and other religious that I’ve encountered over the years.  For those alive here on earth, I pray for their well-being and that they continue to be good shepherds for our Lord.  For those who have passed on, I pray for the repose of their souls.

Finally, let us be especially grateful for the greatest gift of all.  Jesus' final and perfect sacrifice to redeem mankind.  I continually thank the Lord for being such a loving, merciful, and gracious God.  Even in the face of mankind's fall into sin, God demonstrated his boundless mercy by sending us his Son Jesus to redeem us.  Through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, we're again offered the gift of salvation and reconciliation with the Father.

As I continuously realize more blessings in my life, my appreciation for all that the Lord has done grows ever deeper.   I could write much more on thankfulness and gratitude, but hope this short article suffices as a good starting point for those of you that may need a boost in the virtue of gratitude.  As your gratitude grows, so will your joy.


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( This article was first posted January 21, 2025 )